Monday, February 23, 2009

Health - Stroke Signs

An important message from our alumni:

Stroke remains the third leading cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer.
In US alone, over 1.1 million people is suffering from the effects of stroke in 2002.

Subject: Fwd: Blood Clots/Stroke -They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue

This is very important, you could save a life. PLEASE READ
INFORMATION EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW........................Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue.
STROKE:Remember the 1st Three Letters....S.T.R.
It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke rec og nized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR .
Read and Learn!
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)(i.e. It is sunny out today.)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke---Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail, sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Have you?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

EDSC Project Launching

Click image to enlarge

A interim team, ESDC Board was setup on 8th Feb., 2009 to oversee the EDSC Project.
The team would focus on completing the project within 49 days.

Click image to enlarge

Any enquiry and suggestions, please email to

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

EDSC Terms and Conditions

Member Signup and Renewal Terms and Conditions

EDS Circle (EDSC) is a borderless frontier for sharing knowledge, friendship and opportunities. The formation is solely to enhance the networking channel of EDS alumni and associates.

If you are not yet an EDSC member, do so now.
If you are a EDSC member, thanks for the support and happy networking.

EDSC is growing and expanding, don't be left out, join in the excitement, the fun and the learning. Don't miss the opportunities while you learn and have fun.

EDSC Membership Privileges
Special Access to EDSC internet sites:
1) Fun
i) EDSC Communities blogging
ii) Friendship – Events, Party, Outdoor, Office
iii) Lifestyle – Health tips, Trend Fashion, Technology
iv) Success Sharing – From Alumni
v) Biography – Distinguish Personalities
vi) Traveling - Tour with EDS team to Vietnam, China, Philippines, Malaysia.
vii) Shopping & dinning

2) Knowledge
i) Experience Sharing Database
ii) EDS Knowledge Sharing Database.
iii) Opportunity Corner
iv) Literature Corner - Online Library
3) Network
i) EDSC Alumni listings
ii) Platform for opportunity sharing

4) EDSC Helpdesk

5) EDSC InfoNews, Publication, Job Search

6) EDSC Survey & Feedback
7) EDSC Shopping

EDSC Membership Package

EDSC Board is happy to offer the following membership package.

i) Ordinary Member
ii) Associate Member
iv) Life Member
iv) Honorary Member

Membership Application

Submit applications to EDSC registrar with a one-time registration and subscription fees for the chosen membership package to:

The Registrar,
EDSC Board,
C/O EDS Advance Academy,
48 Lorong Kurau 17,
Chai Leng Park,
13700 Prai, Penang,

Successful applicants will receive email notifications within 5 working days and their welcome packages will be send to their mailing address within 2 weeks.

For subscription fee and schedules, please refer below:

One time registration fees of USD10

Package Fee__(USD*)__ Schedule
Ordinary ______ 15_____Renew Annually
Associate ______20_____Renew Annually
Life __________150____Once during registration
Honorary______ xxxx____Recommendation

* US Dollar

Personal Data Privacy Policy
Personal data provided by applicants will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and use only for processing the EDSC membership application, communication between ESDC Board and its member, mailing of EDSC newsletters, notification, promotion and publicity of EDSC activities. Membership database will be processed, maintained and kept by EDSC Board. General information of EDSC members will be listed at the EDSC directory at:

Unless EDSC Board rejects an application, fees paid are non-refundable.
Membership database are processed and maintained by EDSC Board.
A one time registration fee, USD10 is payable by all applicants.
Payment by cheque is acceptable, payable to EDS Advance Academy.
Please write your name and contact number behind the cheque and send payment to:

The Registrar,
EDSC Board,
C/O EDS Advance Academy,
48 Lorong Kurau 17,
Chai Leng Park,
13700 Prai, Penang,

EDSC Application Form

EDSC Member Application Form
Kindly fill in the form:

Name : .........................................................
EDS Program Name: .................................
Start Date of Program: ..............................
End Date of Program: .................................
Designation: .................................................
Company: ......................................................
Contact: Telephone .........................Fax .........................
E-mail: ..................................................
Postal Address: .....................................

Membership Type: ...........................
Alumni Directory Preference: .........................................................
(Fun / Knowledge / Networking).

And submit to:

The Registrar,
EDSC Board,
C/O EDS Advance Academy,
48 Lorong Kurau 17,
Chai Leng Park,
13700 Prai, Penang,

Contact: Telephone: + 604-390 1396
............. Fax: + 604 390 9766

EDSC Constitution

EDS Alumni Constitution
1 EDS Circle(EDSC)'s“Make It Happen" Mission

1.1 To maintain and foster the bonds of friendship among students who had studied at EDS Advance Academy" (hereinafter called "EDS"), EDS faculty members, EDSC Board and individuals with keen interest in EDS activities.
1.2 To organize social, cultural and educational activities among members of the EDSC which may involve the participation of EDS Alumni, faculty and staff.
1.3 To establish and maintain social contacts with other educational and cultural institutions that would benefit EDSC.
1.4 To promote sharing of experience, knowledge and opportunities for the welfare and interests of EDSC members.

2 Membership
2.1 For record purpose, registration of EDSC members is declared not to exceed one hundred thousand individuals..
2.2 EDSC members shall be comprised of the following categories:
- Ordinary Members;
- Associate Members;
- Life Members; and
- Honorary Members.

3 Eligibility for Membership
3.1 Ordinary & Life Member requisite
3.11 - Attended at least 3 EDS modules
3.12 - Graduates of EDS
3.13 - Individuals currently pursuing degree courses with EDS or its affiliations.
* Life Member application will be subject to the approval of the EDSC Board.

3.2 Associate Member requisite
3.21 - Certificate, Diploma or Degree Holders who had affiliations with EDS.
3.22 - Working professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners or practitioners, educators and NGO.
3.23 - Individuals who have keen interests in EDS activities and support the objectives of EDSC.
3.24 - Full-time students aged 18 or above may join as Associate Members with a 50% discount on annual membership subscription.
* All Associate Member Application will subjected to approval from the EDSC Board

3.3 Honorary Members
3.31 - Individuals who had made contributions towards the betterment of the community and society.
3.32 - Individuals who have contributed or are deemed to be capable of contributing towards the Circle may be nominated as Honorary Members by the EDSC Board or through nominations from at least three other Honorary members of the Circle. The maximum allowable number of Honorary Members is limited to ten per year and allowed to use the insignia EDSC (Hon.) after their name.

4 Membership Fees
4.1 The following Membership Fees shall apply:
a) "Registration Fee" for application of membership with EDSC and
b) "Annual Subscription Fee" payment on or before 30th June of 1st fiscal year will be valid until 30th June of the following fiscal year, for maintaining the status of Members.
4.2 The rates of Membership Fees are as follows:
4.2.1 For the first year of the establishment of the Circle:
a) Registration Fee is at USD10, payable by the applicants for Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Life Members;
b) Annual Subscription Fee is at
• USD15 per calendar year for Ordinary Members;
• USD20 per calendar year for Associate Members; and
• USD150 per one time payment for Life Members.
For first-time subscription, if the application is made between 1st Jan. and 30th June, the Annual Subscription Fee for Ordinary Members and Associate Members will be extended to the 30th June of the following calendar year in which membership application is made.
4.2.2 The rates set out in 4.2.1 may be subject to revision if recommendations are made and approved by the EDSC Board.
4.2.3 Membership Fees are not refundable.

5 Body of Authority
5.1 - The EDSC Board, appointed by EDS Advance Academy, will handle all matters related to the operations of the EDSC.
5.2 - Future elective committees will act as advisory bodies to EDSC to enhance its services to the EDS Alumni.
5.3 - EDSC reserves the right to suspend membership of an individual, found of any wrongdoing or violation of the By-laws or acts in a manner prejudicial to the interest of EDSC, the Board may expel or suspend the member concerned for a certain period of time. However, the Board shall give a written notification to the member on what ground he is being expelled or suspended. The member shall be given the opportunity to explain and defend himself. The decision of the Board shall be implemented immediately unless the member makes an appeal against the decision and submit evidence to support his defense.